
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Trump announces funds for credible polls in Bangladesh

Special Correspondent

Trump administration, for the first time, has allocated $ 80.9 million for holding a credible elections in Bangladesh and strengthening the civil society and democratic institutions which are now under pressure.

Besides, this fund will also be used to improve the rule of law and to improve human rights situation in Bangladesh. In the proposed budget of US President Donald Trump for the fiscal year 2018-19, this money has been allocated through USAID.
On Monday, US President Donald Trump announced the 2018-19 Foreign Affairs budget. The president proposed a $ 39.3 billion budget for State Department and International Aid Agency USAID for conducting their respective activities.

Under  the  budget, Donald Trump proposed 500 million dollars for Afghanistan, 80.9 million for Bangladesh and 200 million dollars for Pakistan in his proposed budget. There is no other South Asian country on the list of help where the President’s help for whole Central Asia is only 16.7 million.
Meanwhile, in order to keep the US budget deficit narrowing to $ 3 trillion in the next 10 years, President Trump cuts several federal agency budgets and proposes to close the budget allocation for 22 federal agencies - which has already begun to crack in the US media. Analysts say the Congress may not endorse all the proposals for the president’s budget cut-offs. In the meantime, keeping the budget deficit in the range of 3 trillion, without any federal budget allocating budget and keeping the President happy, the budget of foreign ministry can be passed, that is now a big challenge for the Congress.
Amidst the huge hue and cry in the US media about the state department’s budget, it is a convincing argument that the ‘House Operations Committee’ of the House of Appropriation Committee, subcommittee on ‘Foreign Operations, Trade and Other’ has proposed the budget for 2018-19 fiscal year of the United States Foreign Ministry on July 13, 2017.
A total of $60 million has been proposed for improving worker safety and labor rights in Bangladesh. In the suggestion of the sub-committee, the Foreign Office, Trade and Other Sub Committees have also been asked to provide details about the steps taken by the State Department to ensure a fair, neutral and participatory election in Bangladesh.
The proposal approved in the sub-committee (House Resolution 3362) has been submitted for the passage of the Congressional House of Representatives on July 19, 2017. However, on Monday, President Trump proposed the State Department budget to increase the amount of allocations for Bangladesh to $ 80.9 million, where it is the first time that the US National Donald Trump’s interest in crediting the next national election is credited.

Courtesy: HOLIDAY/Feb 16, 2018

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