
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oil spill threatening Meghna, unheeded for 5 days

Farhana Mirza

A tanker capsized in the Meghna last Friday, spilling unrefined petroleum in the river – what is still spreading all over without any steps for remediation.

This correspondent reports, an oil tanker of privately-owned Bengal Electronics capsized last Friday due to storm, spilling and spreading oil since.

Spilled oil has been spotted through Raghuchar village, on the banks of Meghna. Also, the oil refinery of Bengal Electronics Limited is situated beside the village.

So far, there has been no efforts towards a cleanup.

Bengal Electronics Ltd Managing Director Md Salamat Ullah acknowledged the spill and claimed that “there was very little oil in the tanker which has spilled into the river”.

Local villagers have said, the tanker was fully laden.

Jamal Uddin, a villager, told The Daily Star they saw the oil first on Saturday morning – spread through a few kilometres. “The water hyacinths and river banks are black with oil. We are not being able to use the water for daily purpose.”

Local fisherman Akter Hossain said, he found dead fishes on several parts of the river after the oil spill. “We aren’t getting as much fishes after the oil spill.”

Union Parishad Member Muktar Hossain told The Daily Star the oil spill might have adverse impact on the local environment if the oil is not cleaned up soon.

Contacted, Gazaria Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Tasmin Zebin Binte Sheikh told The Daily Star she came to know about the incident on Monday. She assured of taking steps in this regard after consultation with the department of environment.

  • Courtesy: The Daily Star/ Oct 9, 2018

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